When our two year old first got hair, we put it in a bow and/or piggy tails. When her hair first got long enough to put up into piggy tails, we took advantage of this, which really complemented her. The great thing with little girls with long hair is the fact that there are so many different hairstyles for them. Little girls can wear their hair in many different styles and get away with it. If they want to wear their hair in pig tails, then they can, if they want to have a crown in their hair, then they can. Everything little girls do is cute.
Long Hairstyles for Little Girls - Summer 2009 Hair edition
Sure, short hair may be the easiest to deal with when you have a little girl, but our little girl absolutely wanted long hair and would not let anyone cut it. For those little girls that do not want to cut their hair, there are plenty of styles that are cute. Little girls can have straight hair, layered hair, no bangs, bangs, etc. For those little girls that have hair that is really thin, layering it could work wonders to make the mane look thicker. Little girls that have thick straight hair could also layer their hair. Another great choice of hairstyle for those girls that have long hair is a perm. For some reason, perms always look great on long hair. However, take note that perms done to younger girls may not do as good as it would with older girls. The chance of hair will generally happen before the onset of menstruation.
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